Hello Hello!!
Don't get use to this 2 emails a week thing because it probably will not happen again for a while...if it does happen again ;)
Sister Magidson and I had an awesome first day yesterday and we saw so many miracles!! We took a motorcoach and it had a bunch of older people. Older people are usually not very open to change and are set in their ways but we had a miracle. I did not think that the tour was going very well and neither did Sister Magidson, but we testified anyway and we invited people to read the Book of Mormon for themselves. The spirit was strong as we explained the promise given to us by Moroni and what he went through to give us this promise and to protect the records from prophets testifying of the Savior. He was the last Christian in the Americas! Sister Magidson bore a beautiful short testimony about how she new that the Book of Mormon was true and guess what, 6 people asked for Book of Mormons and gave us their information!!! It was so amazing!! Usually we don't have many referrals on Motorcoaches (unless they are Chinese) and especially not when they are old! It was a huge miracle!!
Then a member walked up to us with his bike and asked if we wanted a flower. He gave us little paper flowers that he had folded! He is preparing to go on a mission. We asked if he had any questions about preparing for a mission and he asked really good questions! I have asked that lots of youth if they have questions about missions and I have never had anyone ask questions like that. He asked what we sacrificed to go on our missions and why we did it. He asked if there was anything that we wished that we knew before hand. I will answer the questions for all of you. I sacrificed being with my family. I still can't believe that I left all of you in 16 days, but I am so glad that I was willing to do that. But one thing that I have learned is that by leaving you all, God has taken care of you much better than I ever could. I know that Heavenly Father has taken care of my family because I was willing to leave to serve Him. He has done a much better job at helping you than I ever could if I was at home. I am so grateful for the many many miracles that he has sent you.
I knew that the gospel was true and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is God's restored church on the earth, but I did not realize how big that knowledge was. Now that knowledge is a much bigger part of who I am and who I am becoming. I always said I was a Mormon, but now I am overjoyed to be a member of God's true church on the earth. It was something that I knew in my head, but I did not understand fully in my heart. I now better understand it in my heart and am now more converted to the gospel. I don't know if that made any sense at all, but I hope that it did.
Our last miracle of yesterday was that we found a new investigator in the Assembly Hall!! He is wondering about if he should have a relationship with God or not. We taught him a lot about faith. I don't think that he is even very sure about what he believes so it will be interesting to see where our lessons go with him. I think we are going to start out very basic with the restoration and our relationship with God as his children. I really like teaching with Sister Magidson because she is so genuine.
I hope you all know how very much I love you! I am so glad that you are in my family!! I am so very grateful to be a missionary and to be part of spreading the good news. I love the gospel with all my heart. I know that Jesus Christ died for each of us and that he felt every little thing that we have and will ever feel. This was not just limited to physical pain but also emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and anything else. He did this because He loved us and wanted us to have the chance to live with our Heavenly Father again. But this was not all that he did. After 3 days he lived again and was resurrected. What a miracle and marvelous gift! Because he lived again and lives today, we know that death is not the end and that we will live again too. I know that God still speaks to us through a prophet today named Thomas Monson because he is unchanging and because he loves us. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and that it was translated by the power of God. I know that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet of God and that the Priesthood keys were restored through him. I know that the priesthood is a real power and that is is necessary to be baptized by that authority from God to return to live with him. I know that temples are literally the houses of God and that Families really can last forever. I know that I am a daughter of God and that God knows each of us individually and loves us. That is why he gave us the Gospel of Jesus Christ and gave us a savior. I know these things with all my heart and I have a firm hope that I will live with God again with my entire family.
I love each of you so so much!!
Love Always,
Sister Stephen
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